Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday morning coming down

Well, hello readers. It is another Monday morning and I am thinking about going in to work in a couple of hours. The weekend was a nearly complete escape from the hum drum of last weeks work week. I haven't thought about it at all until now. Well, nearly not. My boss called me Friday ten minutes after I got home and said he had taken a call from a customer and apparently said the wrong thing and the customer had hung up on him. I will try to sort that out this morning, and have thought on it a little bit, but mostly the weekend was my real life. I tend to think of work as a necessity, and not real in the sense that my weekends are. When I worked as an engineer, and as a corporate schmuck, work was my real life. My ego demanded that I be that man. I looked, smelled, tasted, and was that man. When that period of my life was over, it took quite a while for me to figure out that while I did those things year after year, they did not define me. What I do with my weekends comes much closer to saying that about me. Yard work, watching the grand baby, day trips with my wife, eating fine food, time with friends, church activities, all are more real by miles than that 60 hour per week lifestyle. Money is not the friend it portrayed itself to be. Travel does not hold what it once held. Work associates are not what they appeared. It is toil for the sake of others, who do not care what is on your mind as long as you provide them what they want. When you step outside of that world, someone else dives into your space with a will similar to what I once knew. I know this sounds a little bitter for a Monday before breakfast, but it lays just behind my conscious thought most of the time it seems. I am tired of being abused for the sake of a dollar. I don't want to participate in this circus any more of the time than is necessary to feed and shelter and cloth my family. It is a pretense on my part, and I am amazed other people do not see through it and discuss it as men should. Probably and possibly they have the same fears and chose not to upset this fragile facade. Hopefully, that is the case. If they really think these things we are all lost. Well, it's almost time people. First Places !!!!!!!!!!!!

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