Saturday, February 14, 2009

Industrial Terrorist

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Yesterday, a small, smelly spot in the east parking lot by the old office building was brought to my attention. When I walked over there, it was apparent that the ground was saturated with human waste. The bricks actually gave way under my feet. On investigation, it turned out that the sanitary sewer for human waste to the Publicly Owned Treatment Facility was blocked big time. If you know how this thing is constructed, it's an amazing concept. The piping is over a foot in diameter in most places. When it goes into the man holes for distribution, the spaces are over five feet in diameter. Every thing from the street back into our rest rooms was plugged up twelve feet deep, which caused the sewage to back up to the surface at the lower parking lot. I called A.J. Allen Co. to get some help with the situation. The secretary from there was now involved. She helped find her boss, who was glad to come right over and evaluate the problem. We decided we would have to dig, so we called the one call operator for locations of utilities in areas where one has to dig. She is person number four. She calls the Midwest Power supervisor who authorizes the job and sends two people right over in a truck to check the power situation out. The one call operator next calls the Water works supervisor, who sends a truck and a person to see if we are going to dig next to any water lines. Next comes the several phone services, the Gas Company, City of Des Moines maintenance crews to check on storm drain locations, and sewer placement. I'm not sure if anyone else came, but we finally decided it was safe to call the back hoe in. His supervisor authorized it, and he came right over. We pulled the brick up and found the man hole we wanted and called the person from Smith's Sewer Service to put his high pressure hose down into the smelly mess. After a couple hours of sweat the first bundle of shop towels came bursting down the line. ( Did I mention Larry P., and Elmer M. were out to help earlier on) Several more attempts and we could finally see the bottom of the big manhole in the shipping lot. The bottom was covered with hundreds of shop towels and human waste. Now, if this happened at your house, and you found out that your kids, or your wife, or your neighbor had done it, you would probably put a stop to it. I mean right now!
All of the people who take the time to read this note, and talk it over with someone else will have eventually become involved. This is not a simple prank. It couldn't have cost more if the person had taken a gun and robbed a store. He would have gotten something out of it then. This person is involved in the crime I asked you to be aware of and report just last week. If you know who is doing this, and remain silent, you are part of the problem. This person is a criminal, and is costing every person around him more than they should want to contribute. Turn them in. Don't even think twice about it. They deserve no consideration at all. If you let these people have a say in your life, you are jeopardizing your own future. They certainly won't stop if you don't stop them. Don’t let yourself be terrorized by hoodlums.
Steve Forrester


  1. Did anyone actually ever turn someone in?

  2. No, All the guys in the factory belonged to the Union. They protected each other, even when it was wrong. Maybe especially when they were wrong. They stood in unity on stupid ideas like this one, and when it was important, they let each other down and the factory closed.


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