Monday, February 2, 2009

After work on Monday

Well, I see you came back. I always hate Monday morning, and then somewhere on the drive there, or just after I light up my computer and start the phone messages, a kick of adrenalin comes over me and the pace for the morning is set. I throw myself into it like it were a volcano needing appeased. I never knew how to goof off, or to just do the minimum. It is too much like cheating, and I hate it for itself. I have always been a "good" worker. In fact, it is one of my greatest fears that some well wishing person will put "He was a good worker" on my gravestone. It may be so, but it does not reflect how I feel, or what I want to be remembered for. Mostly, I just don't know a way to work that isn't all in. I am very fond of a line from a recent Batman movie where the Joker, in reflecting on some bit of chaos he has just administered says: "I really never know what is over the top" It seems to be strictly a matter of perspective. Well, good enough, and well done, and all of that. I am home again, and putting on my home persona much as if it were a well worn overcoat. Once the buttons are snapped, the day past can reflect on itself.
I think about time every once in a while. I know God created it for our convenience. He doesn't need it. He lives outside of it, and can step into it when and where he chooses. Otherwise he couldn't be omnipresent. (well at least to my way of thinking) Probably he could if he wanted. But as far as my mind can reach this is how he does it. He created the day, and the night, and separated them, and seasons. This is all clearly stated early on. Kurt Vonnegut used a character Billy Pilgrim to travel in time within his own lifetime. I like that. Perfect knowledge of all times in your life from whatever point you chose to participate from. Very heady. Time travel is a common theme in Sci-Fi, and for a very good reason. A person who could bend or manipulate even a nanosecond of it would have amazing power. Mostly, I would just like to remedy stupid things I have said or done. Sort of like the perfect editor. Put it all into reasonable easy to use chapters. Start with a description, develop a theme. Show achievements. Come from a larger perspective and make it plain that it is all related, and then wrap it up with humor and a bit of satire. Let everyone know that we all tread the same path. Perhaps I should not express my feelings so openly in this format. This page may disappear as if it never existed. Go back to no time at all. Well so much for Groundhog's Day. I saw the sun. Six more weeks of winter. Unless we take the short cut, or have to re-live it over and over until we get it right.


  1. Well written!! I, too, would like to be able to go back and change things-but then we'd end up in different places, you know? If you changed, for instance, your lifestyle when you were 18 or something, you may never have met Mom, and the boys and I never would have existed. Which would be exponentially sad, from MY point of view!!! haha! So, while we may have regrets, they all led us to where we are now. Now, it would be cool to have a "save point," where we could change it BACK if we wanted.... hmm... there's a book thought. Oops.. Butterfly Effect... already done. *sigh*

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